Pre-Cast Concrete Manufacturer

Founded in 1958, this company designs, manufactures, delivers and erects architectural and structural precast/prestressed concrete building components such as: Flexwall®, insulated wall panels, bridge components and other structural elements for Ontario and the Great Lakes states.

Recent expansion required that the network be extended from the main office to 3 other remote buildings all located within the same site, each ranging from 200 to 400 metres from the present network. The yard was very active with heavy trucks coming and going from sunup to sundown that had packed the yard as hard as concrete over the years and would impede any trenching operation. The buildings enclosed manufacturing operations with overhead cranes that generated electromagnetic interference (EMI) that would interfere with normal wireless networking equipment.

Trump staff conducted meetings with the site supervisor and carried out site surveys in order to be able to recommend and implement a solution that would deliver the remote network connection with the best ROI. Cisco Aironet equipment was proposed and installed at a fraction of the costof trenching and laying fiber.

Weatherproof power supplies, transmitters and receivers were installed on rooftops and fiber was run from the roof to the switches to avoid the effects of EMI. This equipment provides secure wireless interconnection across the site and has the capacity to be expanded to additional buildings and extended geographically over several kilometres if so desired.