Architectural Firm

An Architectural firm needed to install Deltek Vision, a software package that runs on Windows Server 2003 and uses Microsoft SQL2005 as the database. The existing environment of 6 physical hosts and approximately 20 virtual servers was an IBM Blade Server configuration with a Storage Area Network and a mixture of VMWare, Novell, Groupwise and some standalone Windows Servers that had been installed to run specific applications.

Trump was contracted to deploy Deltek Vision in a 2-tier configuration with a virtual web/reporting server and a physical database server using Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2005. Following on the successful Vision deployment, Trump Staff evaluated the current environment and recommended that Active Directory be implemented. This recommendation was accepted and AD was rolled out without any significant downtime or user interruption.

A few months later we were called upon again to migrate applications and data from the existing Storage Area Network to an upgraded SAN. This was completed after hours, ensuring that users access to data and applications remained unaffected.

Active Directory and a single domain architecture ensures that the Windows network is optimized for management, security, scalability and that domain data is replicated correctly across multiple virtual and physical servers.